Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I'm a Culture Snob: Hearst Castle Tour @HearstCastle

Just before Lady Gaga made Hearst Castle famous all over again, I took a trip there for my birthday.

If you don't know about Hearst Castle, or who William Randolph Hearst is (I like to call him Billy Randy Hearst for funsies), then I really don't even want to know you.  Sadly there are quite a few people that asked me who he was or what Hearst Castle was when I told them that I visited.  The quick answer is, he is the American Dream.  The longer answer is, he just...made America.  The Great Gatsby was modeled after his lifestyle.  Pick up nearly any magazine today and it's most likely a Hearst Corporation.  His granddaughter Patty Hearst also made her own headlines, but that's a totally different story.

Hearst Castle, or "La Cuesta Encantada" as Billy Randy called it, is a massive estate that is halfway between San Francisco and LA.  Gatsby's house was a cute summer cottage compared to this place.  Hearst hired Amazeballs Architect Julia Morgan to make the Castle a living museum.  The whole place is an amazing work of art.

One of my favorite places in the castle is both the indoor and outdoor pool.

The Neptune Pool is the outdoor pool, done up in Greek style.  A good rule of thumb for the Castle; if it looks real, then it most likely is.  I'm a little jealous of Gaga, as most of the time this fence that is in the photo is up so you can't really explore as much you want to.  Back in the heyday of the Castle, you would need multiple changes of clothes in a day, as you were expected to swim here in the morning, play games and horseback riding during the day, then have dinner in the big house.  Then some dancing, a movie in the movie theatre inside the house with these lovely ladies;

Or you can hang and enjoy the view:

The inside of the house is beautiful as well.  You could just hang out in your room and enjoy the beauty;

The gold leaf tile in the Roman Pool however, is my absolute favorite part of the whole house.  You can see more of the pool in Gaga's video than in person, but it is still a beautiful site.

Hard to believe, but this beautiful estate actually has something in common with the Winchester Mystery House in that it was never actually finished.  The grand entrance still remains "almost" done.

 I can't suggest a trip to Hearst Castle enough times.  It's a piece of American history that might not be around forever.

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