The public challenge this week was to create a "naked and covered with food" print campaign for the Spice Market Buffet inside Planet HO.
David, the astrologist and DJ (You just can't make this up), got fruit, and he went the obvious route of unpeeling a banana and putting it "in front of his junk." His words. It was easy, and even though I thought he could have used a bit more creativity, I wasn't overly offended by it. The judges, however, were. They said it was so bad they couldn't even look at it.
Now, this whole season this guy has been on my hate list. He's so full of himself, and so rude, and thinks just because Mercury is in Retrograde he has this thing in the bag. However,he had the greatest line of the show this week:
"Me popping a banana off and peeling, I should be able to do that, because that's what this place represents. This place is the city of sin and I'm getting in trouble for sinning in the city of sin? That's like going to Disneyland and getting in trouble for having fun."
I really have to agree with him. He ended up going home, but I really think it was a mistake. I wanted him to go home eventually, but he makes a really valid point. Vegas is about sinning, and the banana thing wasn't even remotely offensive in a town like this. Maybe it's because everyone who is producing this show lives in LA, but, seriously? I have to stare at a line of butts on the back of a taxi cab in traffic on a daily basis. Nude butts. Bananas? Suggestive yes, offensive, no.
After all, we grade on a very wide curve here.
56 minutes ago
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