Last week we had a few friends in town, so we did the strip peruse from Bellagio to Caesars/Flamingo. As I was driving to meet them, I noticed a strange influx of people in front of the Planet Ho.
Just like on Hollywood and Highland, right in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater, were absolutely LOADS of them. Playboy Bunnies, "The Hangover" guys, "Evil" and "Good" Spiderman.
All I could think is "When the hell did this start?" It really bothered me. I didn't want them there. It's bad enough, trying to get past the mass of people stopping dead for no reason, AND the pornslappers, that I didn't want them there.
But I think the real reason I hated it so much, was the same reason that I hate them there. They are there to basically sucker money out of the tourists. Some of them put thought and effort into it, and others just find a costume of Scooby Doo from the Halloween store and hit the strip.
But either way, they are taking money away from the casinos, which is the real reason people are here. They aren't here to take pictures with a guy with a plastic baby tied to their chest.
So, the question becomes: Why are the casinos allowing it? Is there some law that states that anything that happens outside the doors is for metro to take care of? If it is, then why isn't metro running these people off? Can it seriously be legal for anyone to just drop their wares on the sidewalk and ruin everyone's view of the Bellagio fountains?
Does this mean we'll get the "you'll go to hell" sign people full time now?
33 minutes ago
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