I didn't realize I had gone around twice until...well, until I had gone around a third time. I couldn't understand it. Why would a city twice the size of Reno only have 1/3 of it's radio stations?
Five years later, and I still don't understand it. I still don't have a single station pre-set. When I get to work, I listen to Rob, Arnie, and Dawn over the internet, and the rest of my driving is devoted to listening to satellite radio. It has saved my life here. And this is coming from a girl who said she'd NEVER pay for radio, that the very idea was absurd.
I appreciate all types of music as well. I actually thought it would be amazing to come here and get a job as a DJ at a radio station. I've always loved the radio medium. When I was a kid I recorded a comedy show, and as a high school student managed to be a radio DJ as part of a project.
And I also think I have the face for it. :-)
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